In this way (and unlike in the Sega case), modern games do not always follow a linear storyline. Since then, video games have significantly evolved so that some video games are heavily dependent on the user's decisions and inputs throughout the game. The game which was the subject of the Sega Case was 'Virtua Cop' – a shooter game released in 1994 by Sega. Who owns copyright in a modern video game?
The principle originates from Galaxy Electronics Pty Ltd & Gottlieb Enterprises Pty Ltd v Sega Enterprises Ltd (1997) 75 FCR 8 (the Sega Case) which held that the final product that the user interacted with, being the images that were reflected to the user when playing the game, was protected as a cinematograph film under the s 90 of the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth) (the Act). Back to top Developers develop, gamers game and infringers infringe Who owns copyright in a traditional video game?Ĭopyright in a video game (including gameplay footage) is typically owned by the game developer.